Home » Artworks » CITY 8 Retro Futur Art (2017)

CITY 8 Retro Futur Art (2017)

    CITY8 Retro Futur Art is a personal project. It is a set of eight artworks based on the 1980 art style.
    It represents a journey into different kind of future cities. Also, CITY8 Retro Futur Art is a 3D project created within specific retro graphic style effects. Like glitches, wire frame and low poly modeling.

    What is Retrofuturism ?
    (Definition from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
    Retrofuturism (adjective retrofuturistic or retrofuture) is a movement in the creative arts showing the influence of depictions of the future produced in an earlier era. If futurism is sometimes called a “science” bent on anticipating what will come, retrofuturism is the remembering of that anticipation.[1] Characterized by a blend of old-fashioned “retro styles” with futuristic technology, retrofuturism explores the themes of tension between past and future, and between the alienating and empowering effects of technology.

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    Maxon Cinema 4D / Adobe After Effects / Adobe Photoshop

    City 8 Retro Futur Art project Maxime des Touches elreviae

    City 8 night

    City 8 Retro Futur Art City 8 night Maxime des Touches elreviae

    Over the buildings

    City8 Retro Futur Art Project2 Maxime des Touches elreviae

    At the heart

    City8 Retro Futur Art Project3 Maxime des Touches elreviae

    Data escape

    City 8 Data escape Maxime des Touches elreviae


    City 8 Regeneration Maxime des Touches elreviae

    Thinking about it

    City8 Retro Futur Art Project6 Maxime des Touches elreviae

    Back to the city

    City 8 Back to the city Maxime des Touches elreviae

    Together stronger

    City 8 Together stronger Maxime des Touches elreviae
    thank you City 8 Retro Futur Art project Maxime des Touches elreviae